Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I have found new respect for Stavi.

I cut off part of my finger at work. I can't type much though, because it's all wrapped up. I have a picture if anyone wants to see. Text me and I will send it to you. Ok. Bye.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Love = Love

Guess what? I'm straight. That doesn't change the fact that I am completly pro-gay rights. Not all people who fight for rights have to be in that category. It's not like fetuses fight for themself. Or that the people that protest abortions are fetuses. But this isn't about abortion. This is about the fact that everyone in Maryland, and many other places, seem to think that if you think a man and man or a woman and a woman can be as happy as a man and a woman, that automatically means you like pussy. Or dick, if you're a guy. Not always. Get a clue America.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Is it still being paranoid if you can prove it's actually happening to you?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

R.I.P. Bea Arthur.

Ok, I'm kinda super super pissed right now. I lent (insert 'friend's' name here) my cell phone charger on Friday because she lost hers. Well, I forgot to get it back from her before I left, so she took it home. Well, last night after the military ball (my phone had no bars left, but it wasn't dead left) I realized I didn't have it so I texted her. She told me she had it so I was happy, because I thought it got left at the school. I asked if I could pick it up the next day, and she said sure. Well, I turned off my phone trying to conserve energy. The next morning I woke up and turned my phone back on. I had one bar again, so I was pretty elated, thinking it would last till I got my charger back. Well, I texted (friend) around 11-12ish asking when I could pick it up, and she said she could just drop it off. I said that was great. Around 130-2 I hadn't heard from her, so I texted her again asking when she was stopping by. She asked how long I would be at my house. I, jokingly, said 7 (because that's when I had to go to work). She told me she would be there around 3. My phone died around 2:30. She never came. My other friend texted her around 6 and I just found out she told my other friend that she had to go to work, and would drop it off after. I even had a friend at work text her. It is now 12:36 (her work closed at 9:30) and I have no way of contacting this friend. Needless to say, I am pissed.
Good things:
In 4 days, it's a month till my last day.
Something really funny happened at work tonight;
(I was in the back at work with Andrew, my brother, and a few other kids at work when Alex Kammerer walks back)
Alex: Dani! Did you hear Guinness (book of world records) called...you won the fattest ugliest cunt award!
(laughter from my coworkers)
Me: Oh that's so cool! No one thought I would win because I was up against your mom!
Best burn of my life.
Other, not really good but not really bad things:
I think I got flashed by Miley Cyrus.
The end.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What The Frak?!

I didn't go and eat after I posted. I did eventually eat though. Now I am watching 30 rock. Yeeeah.
But the reason I'm posting: Totally forgot there was a blood drive today. Woops.

If life gives you lemons, find the lobster to squeeze it on.

I didn't go to school today. I felt like crap. NYC was awesome though. It just didn't help with the fact that I was already getting sick. Ok, I think I am going to go get some food.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

At the party, everyone was feeling merry. So she left.

I have a court date during senior week. Ugh.
Kt might come back to oc with me afterwards.
13 A Days left.
14 B Days left.
27 Dasy of school left.
40 days left till my last day.
44 days till I graduate.
And going to New York tomorrow with the drama kids + Carly.
The end.

Monday, April 20, 2009

When I was your age, television was called books.

I almost got into a car accident today. It was really really scary. I told Tiana. I talked to Carly but I forgot to tell her. We talked about New York. Then I called Katie, but she didn't answer. She was...preoccupied. ;D jk. But not really. But yeah. So to recap, it was really scary. I hate the rain. No. I hate hydroplaning off the road. The end.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Have you ever been in a really bad mood, then realized it's all your fault? You're not the reason those kids were jerks, but you chose to be around them. You didn't tell that girl to bug you, but you didn't do anything to stop her. You didn't make that boy develop a crush on you, but you didn't realize until it was to late to do anything. And for all you know, it's all just paranoia. none of it is really that bad. Those kids were just having a good time. That girl just pushed your buttons that day. That boy didn't actually fall for you, you just misread the signs. But it can't all be paranoia can it? Those kids did hurt your feelings. That girl did piss you off. That boy did try and kiss you. So what do you do then? When everything happens at once, you have to wonder, is it them, or me?