Saturday, April 25, 2009

R.I.P. Bea Arthur.

Ok, I'm kinda super super pissed right now. I lent (insert 'friend's' name here) my cell phone charger on Friday because she lost hers. Well, I forgot to get it back from her before I left, so she took it home. Well, last night after the military ball (my phone had no bars left, but it wasn't dead left) I realized I didn't have it so I texted her. She told me she had it so I was happy, because I thought it got left at the school. I asked if I could pick it up the next day, and she said sure. Well, I turned off my phone trying to conserve energy. The next morning I woke up and turned my phone back on. I had one bar again, so I was pretty elated, thinking it would last till I got my charger back. Well, I texted (friend) around 11-12ish asking when I could pick it up, and she said she could just drop it off. I said that was great. Around 130-2 I hadn't heard from her, so I texted her again asking when she was stopping by. She asked how long I would be at my house. I, jokingly, said 7 (because that's when I had to go to work). She told me she would be there around 3. My phone died around 2:30. She never came. My other friend texted her around 6 and I just found out she told my other friend that she had to go to work, and would drop it off after. I even had a friend at work text her. It is now 12:36 (her work closed at 9:30) and I have no way of contacting this friend. Needless to say, I am pissed.
Good things:
In 4 days, it's a month till my last day.
Something really funny happened at work tonight;
(I was in the back at work with Andrew, my brother, and a few other kids at work when Alex Kammerer walks back)
Alex: Dani! Did you hear Guinness (book of world records) won the fattest ugliest cunt award!
(laughter from my coworkers)
Me: Oh that's so cool! No one thought I would win because I was up against your mom!
Best burn of my life.
Other, not really good but not really bad things:
I think I got flashed by Miley Cyrus.
The end.

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