Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hello. I am back. (take 2)

I know I said I was back and all, then I didn't post for a little. Sorry. I kinda realized that my life still sucked. But I am in a better mood now, because I had a really good day. After school, I learned how to tango, had some laughs with friends, got my brother's birthday present, took a nap, went to young life, signed up for camp, then hung out with Becca and Davey and some of Davey's friends at boy's night. I felt honored, because Becca and I were the only two girls ever allowed at boy's night. I am not sure if that's true, but it makes me feel specialer. On an unrelated note, I don't know who to take to prom. If you have any ideas or suggestions, hit me up. He has to be under 21. :/ OK, I am going to go because it's late, and I don't want to tie you up. G'night.
p.s. Ethan, I did it again! I deleted it all, and ctrl + z didn't work. :( I had to retype it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hello. I am back.

I am in a better mood. So, I think I am going to post on here again. I don't know why I am in a better mood, because things are still kinda bad, but I am so...yay! I think I am in a better mood because I have a new friend, who was my 'friend' before, but I didn't really know him. Like, I knew him, but I didn't. So we have been talking and hanging out, and I am happy because of that, because I like making new friends. Or, I could be happy because graduation is almost upon us, which is bittersweet, but not for the reason you think. (It is bitter because I haven't finished my application to TAMU-CC, sweet for...well...every other reason.) I could be happy because Chelsea Handlir and some British chick from LOST are talking about how gross red-heads are, and the girl is a red head so it's really funny because even she agrees. Like, red-head women are pretty, but men are (90% of the time) gross. Or, I could be happy because in 48 hours I am going to be so excited that i may pee myself. I think only 2 people will get that reference, but most will know what excitement I am referring to. That sounds dirty. Oh well. So, yes I am in a better mood. (Only I already typed this whole post, and I went to highlight it to do stuff, and I accidentally deleted it so I got mad) I will try to get back to posting regularly.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


I know I said I wasn't going to post for awhile, but some information has come to my attention.
Apparently I am a horrible person.
That is all.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

1 thing 2 say, 3 words, 4 you.

Why even bother?
Ok, so that is not exactly what the Plain White T's sing, but it is what I am feeling.
Ugh. I am in a bad mood. Most my friends know I don't like to talk about my feelings and junk, and I don't complain when I am upset usually. I just don't. But, I always thought I did a pretty good job of hiding when I was upset. Well, my visiting Uncle just informed me that I just smiled for the first time since he has been here. Well, maybe it's me, maybe it's the fact that I am grumpier when around him because he is an asshole.
In fact. most the men in my family end up being assholes.
I am in a bad mood.
I don't think I am going to post for a little bit.

Impromtu Story (I made it while trying to entertain Ryan.)

There once was a puppy. This was a very cute puppy. He was known around town. This puppy liked to walk to the butcher everyday, and get scraps of meat. One day, while walking to the butcher, he got hit by a car and died. The man inside the car never noticed though, because he was getting head from his sister-in-law. His sister-in-law had a cold sore though. So in turn, the puppy killer went home and slept with his wife giving her herpes. The wife then went to work the next day, not knowing she had herpes she got called into her bosses office to discuss her presentation (which was really their way of saying one of them was horney). After a quick romp in the office, the boss called in his secretary to clean up (which was their way of saying one was horney). Now the secretary went home that night to her devoted boyfriend of 3 years with herpes from her boss. They spent the night together, like they always do. He pleased her in more ways than one, so he ended up getting a cold sore. He went to visit his grandmother the next day, and when he gave her a kiss hello, she contracted a cold sore as well. That night, granny was feeling frisky, so she went to her neighbors house, and the old man and her got down (which they often do on wednesday nights after bridge). The old man went to visit his grandson the next and asked him to take him to get some medicine for a rash he had (below the belt). On the way, the grandson complained about how he suspected his girlfriend of sleeping with her brother-in-law. The grandson wasn't paying attention however, and hit a man in the street with his car. The man turned out to be his girlfriends brother-in-law, and the puppy killer.
the end.
oh, and the old man got his ointment.