Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hello. I am back.

I am in a better mood. So, I think I am going to post on here again. I don't know why I am in a better mood, because things are still kinda bad, but I am so...yay! I think I am in a better mood because I have a new friend, who was my 'friend' before, but I didn't really know him. Like, I knew him, but I didn't. So we have been talking and hanging out, and I am happy because of that, because I like making new friends. Or, I could be happy because graduation is almost upon us, which is bittersweet, but not for the reason you think. (It is bitter because I haven't finished my application to TAMU-CC, sweet for...well...every other reason.) I could be happy because Chelsea Handlir and some British chick from LOST are talking about how gross red-heads are, and the girl is a red head so it's really funny because even she agrees. Like, red-head women are pretty, but men are (90% of the time) gross. Or, I could be happy because in 48 hours I am going to be so excited that i may pee myself. I think only 2 people will get that reference, but most will know what excitement I am referring to. That sounds dirty. Oh well. So, yes I am in a better mood. (Only I already typed this whole post, and I went to highlight it to do stuff, and I accidentally deleted it so I got mad) I will try to get back to posting regularly.


  1. haha, are you going to wear a diaper?

  2. If you delete stuff just hit ctrl-z (it's undo)
    also yay for blogging

  3. lolz I thought of matt when you said this.
