Saturday, January 31, 2009

'Dani, you are one sly dog, how do you do it?' 'Well, ME, it's really a gift.'

I know I post to much, but I thought I would show my loyal followers just how awesome I really am:


Life Lessons.

In my short time on earth, I have learned a few things. I have decided to share a little bit of wisdom with you people out in blog world. Aka Becca, Katie, Anna, Carly, Mike, Ethan, and Brandon (if he ever checks his blog). I think that's all the people that care about my blog. lol.

1. Dance like no one is watching.
2. Live your life like each day is your last (not in fear...or sad...but...yeah).
3. Don't eat the yellow snow.
4. Save your work in case you accidently delete it (which was the case with this post).
5. Look both ways before crossing the street.
6. Don't take candy from strangers.
7. Love like you have never been hurt.
8. Do what you want, don't let others tell you what to do (unless they are your boss or, director or something).
9. Try everything at least once.
And finally...
10. If you have Carly Shreck over to you house, make sure you sign out of all your websites before letting her onto your computer. This includes, but is not limited to, facebook, myspace, aol, and of course...blogspot.

The End.

I am a walrus

Carly Shreck is the most fascinating person to ever walk this earth. Everyone should bow in her presence. When I am older, I aspire to be just like her.
But I'll just settle with being friends with her.

What does a Steeler and a 12 year old boy have in common?

...they are both going to be fucked by a Cardinal come Sunday.

I am sorry. That was very inappropriate. I don't mean to insinuate that Catholics are pedophiles, just that I am rooting for the Cardinals to win at the Superbowl.

At least, I think I want the Cardinals to win. I am quite conflicted really. Because, I am of course a Ravens fan, so duh, I hate the Steelers. But, if the Steelers win, that means that the Ravens will have lost to the best team in the nation, not the second best. Though, it is kinda hard for me to say that the Steelers are the best team in the nation. I guess that's my answer then.

Go Cardinals!!!

That makes me think though. I have been a Ravens fan as far back as I can remember, so I have hated the Steelers (and the Colts...those douche bags) as far back as I can remember. But, I really have nothing against any players on the Steelers team. Like, if I was walking down the street and ran into like, Mitch Berger I wouldn't cuss him out. I would probably say 'Holy shit! It's Mitch Berger!' If I ran into Dennis Dixon, again, I would probably ask for his autograph. If I ran into Ben Roethlisberger, well, I would probably laugh and go 'Nice name.' But if anyone brings up the Steelers, sure enough I am talking smack. Funny how that happens.

Also, I have one more thing to say. I am kinda glad the Ravens didn't go to the Superbowl. Just, just hear me out OK? I mean to say, I would have loved loved loved the Ravens to go, and win, but with all the new players and staff this year, they would be expected to do that good every year. With that pressure, they probably would never do that good again. Basically, because we didn't go to the Superbowl this year, I think it increases our chances in the many years to come.

OK. I think that's all I wanted to say. Oh. Except the fact that I am super super pissed because I have to work during the Superbowl. I know, right? OK. Goodbye.

Friday, January 30, 2009

I wish I was a robot so I could dance with David Henrie.

Ugh. I missed another A day today. Technically it is only my 2nd missed day of school, but that doesn't stop Ms. Sheeler from mentioning every class how I am 'never there.' I barely skipped her class second quarter. She needs to calm down. I missed because I almost went to the hospital last night for chest pains (which I am starting to have again. woo.) and I was up most the night in pain. So this morning I was exhausted and still a little in pain. I honestly wanted to go to school so I wouldn't have to hear crap next class. But, my mom wanted me to stay home. So I spent the whole day cleaning my room. I am almost done. Woo. I want a nap. I found my senior photos! Still no car keys though. I miss driving. My heart still hurts, so I think I am going to go finish cleaning the massive pile of junk on my bed so I can sleep. Blah. Bad day.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Godiva Chocolate vs. Liver and Onions

While I am usually the chocolate in most scenarios (*rim shot*), in this case I am actually the liver and onions. Yes. Liver and onions. One of the most digusting foods known to man. Why you ask? Because my friends are the godiva chocolate. My friends all have these fantastic skills, and in comparison I feel like, well, like liver and onions. For example, I share my feelings in this blog. I always thought I was a decent writter, but I don't try that hard. Then I go to a friend of mine's blog only to see this amazingly crafted entry about love. I am not saying my friend made me feel bad about myself, but I wish I had the skill that she did. I don't want to say I am jealous, but I wish I had a niche. I guess acting would be it for me, but I often don't think I am that great. Besides the fact that I am surround by tons of friends that are amazing at it, I have crippleing stage fright, many speech impediments, both of which are not going to help me. Eh. I am in speech class now, so hopefully that will help.

Also, I have noticed that I will start writing about one thing, and slowly change the subject.


Like, omg. This blog, is so fetch.

My blog is very pink. I know. Want to know why? Not because I am a bimbo, or because I am super girlie, but because it is one of my favorite colors. Right after Purple actually, another 'girlie' color. I am sick of certain things causing me to be labeled. I like peace signs. Doesn't mean I am a hippie. I mean, I kinda am, but don't assume I am. I have a lot of non-hippie tendencies. Like, I have the high score on the Buck Hunting game in Torino's. I have this because I used to go hinting all the time when I was younger. Last time I checked, most hippies don't know how to shoot a gun, let alone have. I am just tired of being la bled. And if you try to label me because you think you know me, you obviously know nothing because I don't think anyone knows enough about me to label me. So stop trying. If you really want, talk to me and get to know me. Then try and sum me up. You will find it near impossible.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

People always try to put us down (Talking 'bout my generation).

So, I realize I just started this blog and all, but I feel I have an important issue to bring up. I hate when White guys try to emulate what they perceive as black culture. I don't want to say they are 'acting black' because I don't think someone can act black. I think you can act 'gansta' or whatever. And that I wouldn't have a problem with. If I white guy wants to be a G, that's fine. That doesn't mean you have to go around calling all your friends N****s. And I bleeped it, because yes. It is a bad word. But, what I honestly really hate, is the fact that it's not an isolated incident anymore. There are 12 year olds that are emulating men who have died because they got caught up in this life style. Kids need to realize that they are not 50 cent, Jay-Z, Ja Rule, or any other of those famous rappers. And just like Tupac, B.I.G., or Big L, they are not invincible. But when they see their older brothers and cousins acting like this, how are they suppose to take it? I am saying this of course, only because I see this in small town, USA. I don't live in the city where there are gangs around every corner. I live in the town where everyone and their mother spends their weekends getting high. I just think there is a big difference between the two. So I guess this blog post isn't so much about white kids acting like this, it's more just kids acting like this. These kids need a serious reality check. I just hope it's not a cop, someone they rub the wrong way, or a 9mm that gives it to them.


Hello. This is my blog. Fun, I know. I was inspired by Carly's blog. Also, I wanted a place to vent where I felt a million creepers wouldn't read and comment (facebook notes). Ok. I have to go find my car key now. Good bye.