Saturday, January 31, 2009

Life Lessons.

In my short time on earth, I have learned a few things. I have decided to share a little bit of wisdom with you people out in blog world. Aka Becca, Katie, Anna, Carly, Mike, Ethan, and Brandon (if he ever checks his blog). I think that's all the people that care about my blog. lol.

1. Dance like no one is watching.
2. Live your life like each day is your last (not in fear...or sad...but...yeah).
3. Don't eat the yellow snow.
4. Save your work in case you accidently delete it (which was the case with this post).
5. Look both ways before crossing the street.
6. Don't take candy from strangers.
7. Love like you have never been hurt.
8. Do what you want, don't let others tell you what to do (unless they are your boss or, director or something).
9. Try everything at least once.
And finally...
10. If you have Carly Shreck over to you house, make sure you sign out of all your websites before letting her onto your computer. This includes, but is not limited to, facebook, myspace, aol, and of course...blogspot.

The End.

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